Friday, April 26, 2013

Scarred for Life

Happy 6th month anniversary to my PAO-ed hip!! I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since PAO. Time has just flown by. It’s also weird for me because I’m still on the mend from the second procedure…it feels like I’m still on crutches and recovering from the PAO even though that was months ago.
Time has felt so strange to me, it has flown by since PAO, but at the same it felt like an incredibly long 6 months. My poor little hippy has been through so much…it’s been chopped up and screwed back together, and then months later it was poked at, pulled on, prodded and scraped.  It has just about had it with me, and quite frankly…I don’t blame it. It’s coming around though, every day it seems to be a little less irritated. Every day I can do a little more with it without having any pain. Sometimes, I forget that it’s even an issue. My hip and I have quiet chats sometimes…I try to tell it: “I did this for you!” and “I promise in a few months you’ll thank me for all this trouble.” We’ve had such a rocky relationship up to this point…my sad little hip and I. Before surgery, I was mad at it for hurting all the time, and it was mad at me for not listening to its pain all those years and taking it easy. It pleaded with me to slow my life and my activity level down, and I pleaded with it…”Just one more volleyball match!” We have not really ever seen eye to eye. And now? Well, these past 6 months have been tumultuous. They’ve been down, down lower, up, up a little more, then back down again. Now I’m back on the upswing. And hopefully this time I’ll continue on that upswing. I think my hip is finally starting to come around, after 6 months of trauma. I can’t wait to see what the next 6 months bring!

10-inch long PAO with 3, 1 inch long scars from arthroscopic surgery (and my still swollen hip).

"Some people see scars, and it is wounding they remember. To me they are proof of the fact that there is healing.” – Linda Hogan

"I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it." - Demi Lovato

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